
Our company believes that society and the environment must develop harmoniously. It is our main responsibility to pass on a green, rich, and highly preserved natural environment to future generations. That is why we count on:

3R´s Reduce – Reuse – Recycle


Our Company gives back to the community!
ECOROSES aims to always act in a socially responsible and ethical way, using appropriate procedures across a few key topics.
Our company believes that society and the environment must develop harmoniously. It is our main responsibility to pass on a green, rich, and highly preserved natural environment to future generations. That is why we count on:

3R´s Reduce – Reuse – Recycle


ECOROSES is “EcoWork”
A sustainable production system is based on the implementation of good agricultural practices as well as the use of modern technology and innovation. We are fueled by our ongoing quest for new alternatives while working to make a difference every day by reducing our environmental impact. Integrated Pest and Disease Management is not just a concept, it is a way of doing things correctly. The production and export of premium quality flowers involves the correct and consistent use of all the available alternatives in an integrated system to reach our goal of “EcoWork”. This system is based on the integrated use of measures such as:
- Good agricultural practices
- Timely monitoring of pest and diseases using technology
- Constant employee training on the mentioned topic
- Continuous innovation in eco practices such as:
- Production, and usage of beneficial mites for disease control
- Production and use of organic compost for soil nutrition
- Rainwater storage & reutilization
- Irrigation pipes and our water treatment system, as well as for quality flower hydration